A goat shed was made bird-proof with Rollforming Services’ Bird Proof Purlins.

When Simon, a goat farmer, looked to improve his goat farm and take it to the next level by producing high quality goat milk, he engaged Sheds4U to provide a covered, bird-proof shed in which the goats can be fed food free from effluent and bird droppings. This ensures high quality, parasite-free milk, which is crucial in baby formula production.

What was needed was a covered shed which reduces bird perching and nesting points within the structure. Feed grown in the paddocks could then be brought into the shed, which also provided a sheltered area where goats could be fed. Better yield of milk solids is provided not only from the clean environment and feed, but also from reduced exposure of the goats to the elements.

Building the bird-proof goat shed was not without its challenges, one of which was measuring for steel components because of the varying sizes of the timber poles used to support the structure. The bracing and portal connections also had to be adapted to fit the steel elements. In addition there was the challenge of ensuring the project met budget.

The component kit provided by Sheds4U is a clean simple design which consisted of boxed C-purlin portals, timber pole posts, commercial roofing, and RFS’s Bird Proof Purlins.

The completed goat shed ticked all the boxes, including bird proofing and being on budget. The builder overseeing the project, who had been building sheds for several years, was impressed with the long spans of the Bird Proof Purlins, how they arrive to site cut-to-length, and their ease of installation.

To learn more about Bird Proof Purlins, click here, or get in touch with us.

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