$300m refurb uses RFS Telescopic Panels for office fit-out

Rollforming Services Telescopic Panels were used in the One Queen Street refurbishment, contributing to a 50% reduction in embodied carbon footprint compared with an equivalent new build.

$300m refurb uses RFS Telescopic Panels for office fit-out

Rather than demolish and rebuild, One Queen Street in Auckland City has been transformed into an eye-catching, energy-efficient building using modern construction techniques, including roll-formed steel and telescopic framing.

Refurbishing rather than rebuilding is not only a faster, more cost-effective way to build; it also dramatically reduces the carbon footprint of construction. In the case of One Queen Street, the refurbishment reduced embodied carbon footprint by 50% when compared to a new build.

Project overview

-    Telescopic Panels for Infill in cast concrete double-Ts

-    Load-bearing Telescopic Panels – fixed height, horizontally telescopic

-    6 new levels

-    14,000m2 office fit-out

Completed in 2023, the refurbishment of One Queen Street includes a 5-Star hotel, 14,000 m2 of prime office space, and a breathtaking roof-top bar – all built on the bones of the original 1972 building.

To fit out the six office levels, we supplied prefabricated infill Telescopic Panels manufactured from roll-formed steel to fit effortlessly around the fire stop double-Ts cast concrete. It took just 2 minutes to fix in place each 3m section. It would have taken the crew 45 minutes to an hour using stick built method.

Underneath these sections, load-bearing Telescopic Panels were installed. This framing was of fixed height with horizontally telescopic elements designed to fit the existing concrete building, with a deflection header to allow for vibration and movement in the floor, and ceiling panels pre-punched to allow for MEP services. Using RFS Telescopic Panels helped dramatically reduce installation times, labour costs and waste, all of which contributed to the project’s sustainability goals.

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